Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana

Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana

Small irrigation schemes are environmental friendly thus they offer sufficient employment opportunities especially to rural people, resulting in maximum utilization of natural resources. Remember, a great number of minor irrigation schemes on rivers as well as rivulets may offer required irrigation to agriculture lands of local tribal beneficiaries. Moreover the latest technology is greatly suited to tribal communities and thus projects are really a suitable option for self-management. It is a known fact that the famous Pani Panchayat project has aroused with great enthusiasm. Hence, requests are usually pouring into establishment of new small as well as lift irrigation schemes and finally revive the dilapidated ones. Hence, government realized to emphasis of new modern lift and minor irrigation schemes should be cast in the form of Pani Panchayat that would offer enhanced momentum to this useful campaign. Hence, keeping in mind aforesaid objectives, the central government of India has launched a new useful project called Biju Krushak Vikash Yojana in the year of 2001.
Process for sanction of scheme
  • Remember, there would be an open or free invitation to the local farmers to greatly form themselves especially into a legally registered Pani Panchayat to derive desired benefits of irrigation help from Indian government.  Moreover, these associations need to be formed especially around irrigation schemes such as lift and minor or flow. Remember, the application for these schemes need to be addressed to city collector of a particular district just under the legal title called Biju Krushak Vikash Yojana.
  • Moreover, all the proposals received by city collector or DM would be surveyed by certain appointed engineers of department at the city level such as –
  • Important lift irrigation schemes more than four hectare by assistant engineers or executive engineer of OLIC department.
  • Remember, minor or flow irrigation schemes along with less than total 40 ha. Especially by trained engineers of DRDA, ITDA, block and soil conservation department.
  • Moreover, minor (flow) schemes of irrigation along with ayacut of about 40 ha. As well as above by trained engineers of local minor irrigation department.
  • Remember, the estimate of schemes would be sanctioned by appointed engineers of certain department which are listed above as per the delegation of legal powers of their working department. Moreover, the cost of desired survey needs to be done by certain department.
  • Moreover, the scheme found logically feasible would be posed to other agencies by city collector as given below.
Remember, lift irrigation scheme more than four ha- ITDA/DRDA/OLIC
Projects of minor (flow) below than 40 ha- ITDA/DRDA
Moreover, project of minor irrigation more than 40 ha- main or chief Engineer of M.I.
Method of funding
Remember, the financial help shall be limited to about 80% of total estimated cost and the desired contribution of scheme Pani Panchayat would be only 20% of total capital cost. However, in situation of tribal sub-plan locations as well as KBK cities, the help could be raised to about 90% of total capital. However, the Pani Panchayat scheme can contribute its total share either in labor or in cash or in the form of agricultural land. Hence, the help to a scheme Pani Panchayat towards the total capital cost would be provide only after it would be registered as legal society under the Indian societies Act of 1860 and for that a legal model by Indian law would be furnished by local DOWR.
However, capital money for execution of LIPs and MIPs in local KBK cities are usually met from SCA or special component legal assistance received just under local KLTAP. In the same way, the loan given from local NABARD is also being availed just under local RIDF project fro execution of LIPs as well as MIPs in non-KBK cities.
Scheme Status
Total 7516 lift irrigation schemes as well as about 84 small irrigation schemes have been greatly taken up and out of which total 6902 are LIPs and total 84 MIPS have been finally completed on March in the year of 2012. Moreover, additional irrigation schemes to about 153.49 thousands hectares also have been completed.  The information is provided in the stated below tables.
Cost recovery and O&M
Remember, the maintenance and operation of the scheme would be taken up by local Pani Panchayat. Moreover, Pani Panchayat is free to collect desired user fees from all the beneficiaries.

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